Membership Fees
New members may pay when they join. Annual membership fees are due on the 1st of October. Bring your membership fees to any meeting or mail it to:
PMB 317 3301 South 14th Street, Suite 16 Abilene TX 79605
Abilene Quilters' Guild is a non profit organization whose community of enthusiastic and talented quilters of all ages and skill levels meets monthly. Make sure you read the latest newsletter and join us at our next monthly meeting!
Visit our About and Membership pages to learn more!
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Monthly Meetings
We're going to have lots of programs and classes this year. The monthly newsletter will have the latest information - make sure to download the latest in you haven't received it already.
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Our road trip to Linda Lou's Quilt Shop in Breckenridge was a blast. There was plenty of fabric to choose from along with kits and plenty of notions. We stopped for lunch at the Icehouse Restaurant in Albany followed by a visit to the Kitchen Store on the way home. Stay tuned for information about our next roadtrip!
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February 10th - As usual we'll be starting the evening off with a meet, greet, and eat starting at 6pm. Bring a friend - they might enjoy the food, fun and fellowship enough to decide to join the Guild!

We've had a request for someone who would be interested in sewing clothing for memory bears and/or pillows. If you would like to help contact the Guild at qgabilene@gmail.com
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Our Holiday Shop Hop was a huge success! Please continue to support our local shops - they provide the supplies needed to make the quilts we love so much!